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Project Overview
Project Team
Project Committee
Project Timeline
Complete Streets
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Contact Us
Collingswood and Haddon Township Bike and Pedestrian Master Plan
Questions or concerns? Contact Doug Robbins —
— (215) 789-2082
Please enable JavaScript in your browser to complete this form.
How are you connected to Collingswood and Haddon Township?
I live in Haddon Twp!
I live in Collingswood!
I work in Haddon Twp!
I work in Collingswood!
I visit Haddon Twp!
I visit Collingswood!
How important is it to you to improve walking and biking in this community?
Very important
Somewhat important
Not important
Why do you walk?
To get to work
To get to school
Shopping or errands
Leisure or fitness
To visit friends
To walk a dog
Community events
Please elaborate
What prevents you from walking or running more often?
No issues!
Lack of facilities
Poor sidewalks
No places to rest
Road safety concerns
Personal safety concerns
Sensitive to weather
Physical limitations
Don't have time
Not interested
Please elaborate
Which of the following improvements would encourage you to walk or run more often?
Traffic calming
Traffic enforcement
Better sidewalks
Better crosswalks
Wayfinding signs
Safe driving signs
Better street lighting
Please elaborate
Why do you bike?
To get to work
To get to school
Shopping or errands
Leisure or fitness
To visit friends
Community events
Please elaborate
What prevents you from bicycling more often?
No issues!
Lack of facilities
Lack of useful routes
Don't have a bicycle
Road safety concerns
Personal safety concerns
Sensitive to weather
Physical limitations
Don't have time
Not interested
Please elaborate
Which of the following improvements would encourage you to bicycle more often?
Striped bike lanes
Buffered bike lanes
Protected bike lanes
Bicycle boulevards
Safer intersections
Please elaborate
Which best describes you as a bicyclist?
Fearless: I’ll bike anywhere, anytime!
Confident: I’m good with a lane or path!
Concerned: I’d like to, but I’m nervous.
Nope: Not for me, thanks for asking.
Which of the following trade-offs would you accept to making walking and bicycling safer and more enjoyable in your community?
Narrower travel lanes
Loss of some street parking
Slower vehicle speeds
More stops and signals
Seasonal street closures
Permanent street closures
What streets do you prefer for walking and why?
What streets do you avoid for walking and why?
What streets do you prefer for bicycling and why?
What streets do you avoid for bicycling and why?
We want to hear from you! What would you like us to know about walking and bicycling in Collingswood and Haddon Township?
© 2025 Collingswood Bike Ped. Website designed by
Stokes Creative Group, Inc.